Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Fireworks

Copyright AJ Horton

Fridays will always be special.  They signify special feelings inside that, as the work day comes to a close, an internal kind of combustion begins that explodes at quitting time.  A kind of joyous celebration that will last for the better part of 2 days.  I love fireworks because they always make me feel like celebrating and the weekends are always a good reason to celebrate.  I was fortunate enough to capture this firework when I was in central Illinois one year.  Maybe it was on a weekend, maybe the 4th of July or maybe it was just kids celebrating.  I can come up with lots of reasons and days when one might want to shoot off fireworks, because, really, any time is a reason to celebrate as far as I'm concerned. 
I hope you have plenty of fireworks in your life this weekend. 
Thanks for looking and see you tomorrow.

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