Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Brrrrrrs

Copyright AJ Horton
Happy Monday everyone.  I actually had another photo I wanted to use for tonight, but since a blizzard is upon all in the great northeast, I decided to bring a little of my own kind of  "chill" to tonight.  This also was taken near Asheville, NC near Mt. Mitchell.  It was cold on that day  I love that the ice forms thousands of little "ice falls" along the road.  I also love to stop by the side of the road and make photos.  Although I'm not a big fan of the cold.  I feel for the people having to deal with this severe weather.  I hope they are warm and dry.  I remember the day I took this photo was very cold and each time we stopped I stayed out as long as I felt comfortable making photos.  I was very fortunate that I had a nice warm car to get into when I finished.  There are those not so fortunate and I pray for them tonight.
No matter where you are, I hope you are warm and dry and safe. 
Enjoy today and have a better tomorrow.
Thanks for looking. I'll see you tomorrow.

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