Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday's Friends

Copyright AJ Horton

Today is Sunday.  I've had a long day.  It's late as I write this.  And as I look for an appropriate picture that lets you know how I feel about Sundays, I come across this gem.  Sundays are special days and they require special feelings, special events.   As I look at this photo of my friends I am taken back to a special, although cold,  day in northern North Carolina when we joined a group for a paddle down the (I believe) Roanoke River.  We paddled, we talked, we laughed - an all around great day.  Isn't that what Sundays are about - getting together with like minded people and celebrating  the joys of this earth and of our creator?   This is my "church".  I don't need a building.  I need the creation.  I need the earth, the sky, the trees, the water, the family, the friends.   This is where I feel closest to my creator.  I believe this particular photo was taken on a Saturday - but it was MY Sunday, MY most grateful day of the week.  

Thanks for looking.  Hope you had a great Sunday celebration.  See you tomorrow.

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