Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday the 13th Flower

Copyright AJ Horton

Ahhh Friday - such an expectedly happy day.   And, most often, Friday meets our expectations.  It starts off as a "bud" of sorts and then, as the day progresses, unfolds into a beautiful  evening.   Yes, it is Friday.  And this Friday is Friday the 13th!  A lot of questionable "coincidences" happen on this day.  Some people won't step foot outside their house on a Friday the 13th.  I love Friday the 13th and would like to celebrate it with a party!  There are only a few Friday the 13ths during the year.  As a matter of fact, there is only one other Friday the 13th this year - in November.  How sad.  But there's still time to celebrate today - on Friday - the 13th!  Get out there while you still can and have some fun.  Be safe.  Enjoy.  Live it up!    Don't let your Friday the 13th bloom fall into the alley of the 'fraidy cats!  

Thanks for looking.  I must go now to celebrate Friday the 13th.  See you tomorrow.

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