Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday leads to adventure

Copyright AJ Horton

Well, it's finally Friday.  We've driven down that long road with the trees closing in and the vines dropping down as obstacles along our way, but we made it!    I'll bet most of us have taken a photo like this.  Sometimes when I look at it I feel safe, like the trees have formed some kind of protective shield above me to shelter me from harm.  Still other times I feel like the trees have conspired to form some kind of  bondage to keep me in and stop the sun from reaching me.  I much prefer the thinking of them as a protective shelter. 

Definitely on Fridays I think of them as shelter, and the road as guidance to an adventure.  Adventures, even if they only take place in the mind, I believe, are a necessary part of our lives.  And what better time to take an adventure than on the weekend?

I hope you had a great Friday and are looking forward to an adventurous weekend.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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