Sunday, March 15, 2015

Here's Looking at you Sunday!

Copyright AJ Horton

Hey Sunday.  Woooohooooo.   What a great day! Here the sun is shining and it is warm outside.   This giraffe at the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina wants to pose.  Did you know that giraffes are the tallest animal in the world, sometimes getting 20 feet in height?  And, they consume about 75 pounds of vegetation each day?  And, their hearts weigh about 25 pounds and are approximately 2 feet long?  Now that's a big heart.  The biggest thing I learned about giraffes when I Googled "Facts about giraffes" is that giraffes can go several days without water!  I thought only camels did that!  Anyway, giraffes are very interesting and this one seems to be interested in what I'm doing.  And at this point I am loving the moment.  I love the attention he's giving me.

How about you?  Are you loving your moment today?  Are you?  I hope so.  Thank you for looking at my adventure, my muse.  Have a great Sunday.  See you tomorrow.

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