Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday's Introduction to RRibbett!

Copyright AJ Horton

I'd like to all to meet Rribbett!!  Rribbett found me at a small creek side park in Troy, NC.   The closest I've found of his kind on the internet is a Southern Leopard Frog that usually grows 2 to 3 1/2 inches long and, of course has these spots.  Seems like a winner.  Rribbett was just begging for me to take his picture and so I did.  Of course he posed many, many times for me and today is just the beginning.  Let's have a little fun on here!  This is an enlargement of one of my pics.  Tomorrow I will put up another, not enlarged, picture of Rribbett in the area I found him and ask you to find him.  Do you think you're up to the task?  I hope so.  In the meantime, enjoy looking into his beautiful, soul searching eyes and get ready.

It is a beautiful, sunny and warm Saturday where I am so I am headed out on an adventure.  I hope you enjoy your Saturday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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