Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday 3-17-15

Copyright AJ Horton

So on this Tuesday the Bradford Pear trees all over are blooming.  There are wonderful blooms all over the trees and I just couldn't get enough!  I guess the blooms will have to do for me because even though it is a "pear" tree, the Bradford Pear is some kind of hybrid that does NOT bear fruit.  What a rip-off.  I like pears.  And on top of that I read today that St. Patrick probably didn't drive all the snakes out of Ireland; they said it's too cold in Ireland for snakes!!   uggh.  Whatever.  I'm going to celebrate anyway.  I enjoy the flowers of the Bradford pear and I enjoy the fellowship and fun with friends and family on St. Patrick's Day.  I hope you'll join me.  Have a great evening. Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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