Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday's Lookout

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Sunday.  While you're up and about, this guy is on the lookout.  He's very observant and has a 360 degree view.  And he's paying attention even when you're not.  Kind of like God, but not.  This guy doesn't really care about you like God does.  This guy is only looking out for himself and probably for his mother for his food.  Soon he will grow up and learn to work for his own food and build his own nest.  Then, he will leave home.  Maybe he will visit with his family often - maybe on Sundays - or maybe he'll move too far away to visit often.  That's just how it goes in families.  The kids are born, you work for them, with them, you try to help them learn everything they need to grow up into loving, responsible, hard working adults and then they leave home.  Just like they're supposed to.  And you're glad when they move out. You suddenly have more time, more money and less stress.  But you, you're always going to be on the lookout for them, worry about them, love them.  They may or may not appreciate anything you've done for them along the way.  They may not even bother to say thank you when you stop everything you're doing to help them out.  But you know.  You go right ahead and feel good about all that you've done to help.  You deserve a pat on the back.  Give it to yourself.  You'll still continue your lookout, offer an ear, a shoulder or help when needed if you can - 'cause that's what you do when you're a parent or grandparent.

I hope you've had a great Sunday.  Thanks for looking.  Keep a lookout and I'll see you tomorrow.

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