Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday's Spot in the Sun

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Saturday to everyone.  Saturday's one of the best days of the week.  Sometimes, on Saturday, it's hard to see anything else for the sun's blinding light.  It makes everything dark.  But, then again, don't you want to embrace the sun on Saturday?  It's almost like nothing else matters, except the sun.  And, if you're lucky enough to be in a place that you love, at just the right time, the sun will shine and, even though you know that other things are there, all you can see is the light shining and placing everything else in the shadows.  And who doesn't  like the light?

So, optimism abounds on this Saturday.  I hope you have had a wonderfully satisfying Saturday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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