Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday's Reflections

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello Wednesday.  Reflections in mirrors is what's on my mind tonight.  This grouping on mirrors is located at Boston's Airport - or it was a few years ago when I was there.  I like reflections - unless it's my self in the mirror.  Ha!  But, when you walk in front of these mirrors, however, you don't really mind too much because, if you're close to them, you are distorted, and who doesn't like fun mirrors?  

Let's have fun on this middle of the week day, and reflect on a few things.  Why not?  Think about the best thing you've ever done.  What was it?  How did you do it?  Where were you?  Did you do it by yourself or with someone?  Why did you do it?  How did it make you feel when you were done?  Would you like to do it again?  Stand in front of a mirror when you reflect/remember all the above and take note of how your expressions change as you answer.  I'll bet you'll be happy with what you see.

Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Thanks for looking and hopefully taking the reflection challenge.  See you tomorrow.

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