Thursday, June 4, 2015

A Little Shade Please, Thursday

Copyright AJ Horton

"Hey, it's really nice to see you, but I'd really like a shady spot."  This guy is a rare albino kangaroo I found at one of the Boston, Mass. zoos.  Because they have a reduced amount of melanin pigment in their eyes, skin, and hair they have increased sensitivity to sunlight and don't do very well in the wild.  Their vision is impaired and it's hard for them to notice and dodge predators, so it's a good thing this cutie pie is protected by the zoo.  Now, it just needs to step into the shade,

I hope you had a wonderful Thursday.  I hope it was full of sun and fun,  And, if the sun got to be too much for you, I hope there was some shade for you to step into.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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