Wednesday, June 3, 2015

It's only Wednesday!

Copyright AJ Horton
"No I'm not fanning out my plume!  It's Wednesday.  I only fan my plume on Fridays.  Geeez.  Get with the program!"  At least that's what I would say if I were her - and it was Wednesday - and I wasn't going to get up and show my plume.  I don't really think it's called a plume, though.  From what I've read it's a "feather train" and it can be up to six feet long.  It's used in mating and courtship rituals.
I actually saw this beauty at a zoo in Boston, MA.  a couple of years ago.  I can't remember which one - there's a few there.  But this zoo certainly was enjoyable.
I think this is a male peacock because it is so beautiful.  The females are actually called "peahens" and are kind of drab in color so that they are able to hide in the bushes when nesting.  Peacocks and peahens are part of the group "peafowl".    All of that info came from the national geographic website.
I hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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