Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Looker

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello Saturday.  Look what I found a few weeks ago when I rented a huge zoom lens.  For this little lady I didn't have to go any further than my own back yard.  Sometimes the back yard is the best place to be.  How's your back yard?  Do you enjoy it?  Do you have pretty birds like cardinals come around?  Do you have bird feeders to welcome them?  Many people do.  I have a few feeders in my yard. I also have squirrels.  There are times that I sit and watch a squirrel hang upside down on one of my bird feeders and dump the food out on the ground.  I don't much care for that, but, it is kind of fun to watch as he swings back and forth, and, the squirrels have to eat, too.

I hope you had a superb Saturday.  I hope maybe you had some fun in your own backyard.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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