Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunday Peace and Blessings

Copyright AJ Horton 2015

Happy Sunday.  People do a lot of things on Sunday; they visit; they play; sometimes they mow the grass; sometimes work; and they go to church.   My favorite church is the great outdoors!!  I go there several times a week, with or without people and I always have a wonderfully uplifting experience. On this particular occasion we were at Pawleys Island, SC - on the beach of course, enjoying the sunset when I was blessed with this scene.  This is one of the reasons I like my version of "church".  This church is where I feel much peace and many blessings.  I  hope that, when you look at this photograph, you feel the same as I.

I hope you had great Sunday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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