Monday, July 27, 2015

Staring Down Monday

Copyright AJ Horton

Hello on Monday.  Today I, along with this damselfly, am staring down Monday.  Mondays always seem to be a challenge.  So, I stared it down - and won.  Well, that, and a whole lot of work.  This damselfly reminds me of a day when, while someone else might think kayaking is work, I was at play.  I liked very much that this damselfly landed on my kayak to stare me down.  It was a win - win situation for me.  I won by being able to play on the water in my kayak, and I won by being able to make a photo of this character.  So now, on days that might not be that great, I can take a thought break from the day and think of and relive this day of kayaking.  Moments later I am ready to continue in the present.

How about you?  How do you get through a tough day?  Do you just hunker down and plow through it knowing it will be over eventually?  Or, do you take a moment, relive a great memory, smile, and then get back to the day feeling just a little bit better - maybe even a little bit energized?

However you do your days, I hope you had a momentous Monday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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