Friday, July 3, 2015

Happy July 3rd

Copyright 2014 AJ Horton
"Oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wa - aaave, O'er the la-annd of the freeeeeee, and the home of the br-aaaaaaave?"  (Frances Scott Key 1814)  Yes, yes it does still wave.  It will always, always, wave over my home - and in my heart.  I will always love the United States of America.  I am an optimist (sometimes a realist) and I want to always believe that all Americans love America.  America IS the "land of opportunity".   In America you can be whatever you want to be, you can do whatever you want to do, you can make as much money as you want.  In America, if you work hard, have a plan and do your best, you will be blessed.  You have freedom to choose your path.  You have freedom!  Freedom comes at a cost, though.  There were others, others who came before you, who didn't have the freedoms you enjoy.  Those others believed they should have freedom - so they fought for it - and WON!  Many died fighting for freedom, fighting for future generations to have freedom.  Whether they died or lived, we owe our gratitude to the ones who fought for us.  They didn't know us, but they knew, somehow, that it is better to be free to make our own choices in life.  They knew!  This IS "the land of the free and the home of the brave"!!  Let's be brave tomorrow - on the 4th of July!  Let's be brave enough to say that everyone is free - that we are all equal - that we all deserve the same rights.  Let's love one another.  Let's embrace our freedom!

I absolutely hope you've had a wonderful July 3rd.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow for another wonderful day.

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