Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Terrific Tuesday

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Tuesday!.  After I parked at work this morning and before I got out of my truck, I looked up and to my left and look what I saw!!  I believe that is a Red Tailed Hawk!  I don't usually take my DSLR with me to work but I always have my small point and shoot with me.  Soooo, this is the best I could do, but it's pretty sharp.  Red tailed hawks are monogamous birds of prey.  That's right, they are monogamous.  And, the female is biggest.  They begin to mate and then reproduce when they are about three years of age.  They use the same nest for several years.  I've worked here for 5 years and I have heard them every year, but this is the first time I have acquired a picture of one of them,  Sometimes I just get lucky.  And what a great day it was - just an all around terrific day.

I hope you had a terrific Tuesday.  I thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow,

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