Monday, November 2, 2015

Flower Power Monday 11-2-15

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello and happy Monday.  There's been a lot of rain lately and I'm kind of tired of it.  I do realize that we need the rain.  Although it's like that song sung by Karen Carpenter of the Carpenters that goes, "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down".  I know she's singing about two different days - or is she?  So what happens if the rainy days are Mondays; are we doubly "down"?  Well, sometimes I am.  But then I look for beauty, and I usually find it.  This time it is a flower - an azalea.  This azalea shouldn't be blooming this time of year.  Azaleas usually bloom in spring.   I am glad that this particular shrub of mine decided to give me a couple of blooms in the fall.  I am glad for the beauty of the flower and I love the color.  I am glad for the rain that nourishes this plant and leaves drops on my flower for me to take a lovely photo.  I am glad that I am no longer "down" on this rainy day AND Monday!  

What about you?  Do rainy days and Mondays get you down?  If so, remember all the beauty in your life around you and become lifted up.

I hope you had a lovely Monday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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