Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hump Day and Looking for the Green 11-18-15

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Wednesday.  It's considered "hump day" and just like this camel, I'm working hard looking for the green.  He eventually found a little green, but I'm sure it wasn't enough to fill him up.  Thank goodness for zoo keepers for supplements.  Unfortunately for him, he can only go so far in the search for his green.  His movements are pretty constricted.  Fortunately for me, I can go wherever I need to in order to find my green.  While my opportunities are endless, I just may have to be willing to go away to find the grass.  Then again, just like this camel, maybe I don't have to go far away, maybe I just have to work a little harder right where I am.  Hmmm, hard choices.

I hope you had a wonderful hump day.  Thank you for choosing to look at my photo and blog.  See you tomorrow.

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