Friday, November 27, 2015

Back Water Falling Friday 11-27-15

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  So I went Black Friday shopping today in Highlands, NC for waterfalls.  Have you ever seen the back side of water?  Well, now you have.  This is the back side of a waterfall called Dry Falls.  Dry Falls is just two miles outside of Highlands in the Cullasaja Gorge on Highway 64, which is a very winding road, scary, but scenic.  There were a few scenic overlooks along the way that might have kept someone from getting car sick if one was so inclined.  

Once we arrived at Dry Falls the parking lot was almost full.  We wished more people were out at the malls shopping for Black Friday deals.  I guess they were smart enough to realize that the best Black Friday deal was right here,  Dry Falls is a 75 foot waterfall over a cliff that has enough room to walk behind it.  You can see the falls from the lookout near the parking lot, but you know you want to walk behind the water so you venture forth.  You reach this part of the waterfall by walking down about a hundred or so well placed stairs.  After a few stops along the way for photo opportunities you reach your destination.  Such awesomeness!!

This was my first time seeing Dry Falls.  I'm ready to go back.  I'm also ready to show you more pictures of our adventure today, so get ready for other "Fall" days.  I will also give you a little more information about the area.

I hope you had as wonderful of a Black Friday as I did.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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