Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday's High 11-09-15

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Monday.  Since it's been raining so much here, I thought I'd bring out a throwback picture.  This is a celebration - a celebration of being out with friends kayaking a most wonderful river on a mostly sunny day and embracing the feeling of love and of being loved.  This is how I feel every time I go kayaking.  There is love; love from the water, from the earth and the sky, from friends and family - and from me.  All of that engulfs me and rejuvenates my mind, body and soul.  It all seems very spiritual and I crave it.  All of my senses seem heightened when I am kayaking and all my senses embrace the experience.  When friends and family come along there is a feeling like no other - it's like a holiday, maybe even better.  There's a saying about a runner's "high" that you've probably heard of or experienced.  I used to run a good bit and it was true for me as well.  But this, this kayaking experience is, for me, a much greater "high".  So, if you've ever experienced the runner's "high", imagine how good you'd feel if you received that and more from kayaking.

I hope you had a marvelous Monday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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