Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hey, Help! Can you untie us?

Copyright AJ Horton
Wouldn't it be nice to be in a cool little boat just doing nothing but maybe a little fishing, a little photography and a bunch of nothing?  It seems it's something even the birds enjoy.  Yes, it is important to take those times and get away from it all and enjoy doing nothing.  After all, we work and work and we deserve those times.  Sometimes, though, it feels that other obligations can tie us up and we can't do what we feel we deserve.  Sometimes it's overworking; sometimes it's our household chores; sometimes it's family obligations; sometimes it's just our own procrastination keeping us from enjoying the activities we enjoy.  Sometimes we just need to ask for a little bit of help to untie us.  We all need a little help from our friends/family every now and then.  Today these birds remind me of that.  They also remind me what a beautiful day today was.
I was not able to go out on my boat today, but I did enjoy time with family and sometimes that is the best!  Continuing to "tie" ourselves up with our loved ones is one of the most special activities of all! 
Thanks for looking.  Enjoy all your activities.  See you tomorrow.
(Please remember to like and follow along my blog.  Thanks.)

Friday, January 30, 2015

It's Friday!!!!

Copyright AJ Horton
Hey everybody, it's Friday evening!  The weekend is here.  The weekend is here!  Run!  Play! Enjoy!  Repeat!  The weekend is here!  Sally is enjoying her "weekend".   She wants you to do the same.  And that is just what we are going to do.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thank you for looking.  Run!  Enjoy!  Play!  Repeat!  See you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday's Conquest

Copyright AJ Horton
Thursday's here, and for most of us the work day is over.  Now, there is just one more obstacle to conquer --FRIDAY!  I guess this log my friend is trying to lift is like Friday.  We were in Bennett's Creek, across from Merchants Mill Pond in North Carolina.  It was raining that day, but we're tough, and we were going to kayak.   This was a downed tree near our entrance and she decided it was NOT going to stop us.  She did really great and would have gone under the tree, but actually, her vest stopped her.  Not to be defeated, she tried lifting the tree.  Well, trees are heavy as you probably know, but she finally conquered and made it under and then helped me get under (I think I may have taken my vest off) and all was well.
The thing is, "Where there's a will, there's a way".  Don't know who said that first, but he/she was right.  We continued to enjoy our paddle that day even though more obstacles and more rain were in our path.  And when we finished our paddle, well there was yet another obstacle.  But that's another story.  We completed our goal for that day, I guess you could say it was our "Friday" and we made it though to the "weekend". 
No matter what obstacles Friday throws at you, you can do it.  Go under it, over it, through it - whatever you have to do to reach your goal.  Don't let anything defeat you.
Thanks for looking.  Conquer your obstacles.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday's Angel Oak

Copyright AJ Horton
Behold the Angel Oak, well at least a small part of it. This tree sits on Johns Island near Charleston, SC and is free to visit. If you go to the website AngelOakTree.Org you will find that this live oak is considered to be more than 1500 years old!  You will find other information as well for visiting.  This tree is huge.  Live oaks are great trees for climbing since the limbs grow low to the ground.  The limbs on this tree are so big and heavy that no climbing is allowed for fear of breaking the limb (and yourself).
Why am I thinking of this tree on Wednesday?  I'm not sure.  I just like it.  Looking at The Tree makes me feel a sense of wonder and awe.  I am amazed that it has survived all these years.  It makes me happy to know that there are people who care about things like trees and preserving pieces of history.  I admit that I like trees.  I'm a tree hugger. And looking at this one, even just a small portion of it, makes me calm and grateful.
What makes you calm and grateful?  Think about it, won't you?
Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday Dream

Copyright AJ Horton
 So much cold. So grey.  So much "indoor" weather.  I'm an outdoor person.  I want the outdoors.  I want the water, the kayaking, the blue sky!!  This particular photo was taken on just that kind of day on the Pacolet River in SC.  I know it may be a while before the cold goes away, but guess what?  I have some cold weather gear!  So, a sunny day may see me out on the water.  What a nice dream to have on a cold, grey Tuesday. 
Come on, dream with me.  Let's all get in the kayak and go down the river on this warm sunshiny day.
Thanks for looking and dreaming with me.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Brrrrrrs

Copyright AJ Horton
Happy Monday everyone.  I actually had another photo I wanted to use for tonight, but since a blizzard is upon all in the great northeast, I decided to bring a little of my own kind of  "chill" to tonight.  This also was taken near Asheville, NC near Mt. Mitchell.  It was cold on that day  I love that the ice forms thousands of little "ice falls" along the road.  I also love to stop by the side of the road and make photos.  Although I'm not a big fan of the cold.  I feel for the people having to deal with this severe weather.  I hope they are warm and dry.  I remember the day I took this photo was very cold and each time we stopped I stayed out as long as I felt comfortable making photos.  I was very fortunate that I had a nice warm car to get into when I finished.  There are those not so fortunate and I pray for them tonight.
No matter where you are, I hope you are warm and dry and safe. 
Enjoy today and have a better tomorrow.
Thanks for looking. I'll see you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mountain Gazing Sunday

Copyright AJ Horton

Sundays are for relaxing, visiting with family/friends, looking at pictures, being comfortable, etc.  This particular photograph  is very comforting to me.  I made it on a trip to Asheville, NC.  We like to ride around and stop whenever we think there's a "Kodak moment".  I seem to have a lot of those when riding in the mountains.  This was in an October and it was cold near Mount Mitchell, but the beauty was worth braving the cold.  When you're in the mountains, the views' colors or "mood" if you will, can change in just a few minutes; the sky can go cloudy or the mist can come in and make you feel like you are on the edge or top of the world.  I just can't seem to find the words that relates how very good that feels.
I hope that if you haven't experienced that top of the world feeling that you will.  You don't have to be on the top of a mountain, you could be with someone you love, or just in your own back yard.  And wouldn't it be great if your own back yard looked like this photo?  I'm going to take that as a yes.
I hope you've had a great Sunday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday's Plunge

Copyright 2008 AJ Horton

This was taken at the Polar Plunge at Sandy Point State Park in Maryland way back in 2008.  Almost 10,000 wonderfully adventurous, maybe even a little crazy, people run into very, very cold water.  In 2008 the outside temperature was 34 degrees and the water temperature in the Chesapeake Bay was actually a few degrees higher.  I was there because I wanted to photograph it, not to swim.  Brrrrr.  Yes, maybe I am a little crazy, just not that crazy on that day.  I remember it was cold AND windy and I am a fan of neither.  It does cost to take the plunge into the Bay and the proceeds go to the Maryland Special Olympics.  I guess more than a few hundred thousand people are doing the Polar Plunge this year in their respective state's cold waters.  They do it for fun, for an adrenalin rush, for community and for others.  After the plunge, and drying off and changing, there are vendors waiting to feed and sell you stuff.  I still have the hand knitted hat and gloves that I bought.
And then I came across this "beach scene" that someone had set up and I just had to take it back with me.  It was a very cloudy, cold, windy and gray day and this set up made me feel just a little warmer inside.  Yes, I altered the picture a bit with the colors so I could pick my own type of weather when I look at it.  When I look at it today, I do remember what that day was like but I don't feel the cold.  I feel warm and sunny and I just want to sit in one of the chairs, look over the water and bridge as long as I am able.  Won't you join me?  Let's take a break from work, watching tv or whatever and just sit and relax at the beach.  Imagine whatever kind of weather you want, whatever drink and food you want and enjoy every bit of peace.  Thanks for looking.  Make sure you enjoy something today.  See you tomorrow.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Fireworks

Copyright AJ Horton

Fridays will always be special.  They signify special feelings inside that, as the work day comes to a close, an internal kind of combustion begins that explodes at quitting time.  A kind of joyous celebration that will last for the better part of 2 days.  I love fireworks because they always make me feel like celebrating and the weekends are always a good reason to celebrate.  I was fortunate enough to capture this firework when I was in central Illinois one year.  Maybe it was on a weekend, maybe the 4th of July or maybe it was just kids celebrating.  I can come up with lots of reasons and days when one might want to shoot off fireworks, because, really, any time is a reason to celebrate as far as I'm concerned. 
I hope you have plenty of fireworks in your life this weekend. 
Thanks for looking and see you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday Falls

Copyright AJ Horton
Today I had a feeling that I needed some water; a lot of water. And this is not even half the water you would see if you were actually at Niagara Falls. We were on the Canadian side looking at the bridge from Canada to America with the American Falls on your right.  You just can't imagine the enormity of the Falls unless you're there. This was an amazing adventure even though we visited in the heart of winter. The sound of the Falls is almost deafening and we could feel the spray of the water on our already cold faces.   Ahh, yes, the memory and view of Niagara is exactly what I have been needing today. My kind of meditation!   Just wait till one day when I break out the extra primo Niagara Falls pictures!  But then I think I'd need a bigger screen.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Squirrel Appreciation Day, Wednesday, January 21

Copyright AJ Horton

Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day.  Who knew?  Not me until just the other day
when I read a friend's facebook post.  I checked it out and yep, today it is.  Did you know
that a group of squirrels is called a "dray" or "scurry"?   Did you know that squirrels communicate
by making shrill sounds and with their tails?  Their tails are also used for balance, which may explain
why squirrels can get upside down on bird feeders like mine. 
I didn't know that black squirrels existed until I spent some time in Illinois a few years ago. 
These were  the fattest squirrels I had ever seen.  They were smart too, and knew my routine and when the feeder
would be full.  So I got smart and, since I knew what they would do, I gathered my camera
and well, you see the result.  It was almost like this one was expecting me.  Maybe letting
me take her picture was a way of telling me "thank you for the food".
At least that is what I want to believe. 
Of course, I had to take many, many photos on many days to get this photo,
but it was so worth it.
I hope you had a good Wednesday and a good Squirrel Appreciation Day.
Thank you for looking.  I hope you'll return tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday's Face

Copyright AJ Horton

Boy today's Tuesday was tough!  After the work day I wasn't sure I had the
energy to get APED.  But once I got home and was able to go through some
pictures, I started to feel better, and I realized that I do have the energy to continue my daily self challenge.
.  And then I came across this photo; it tickled me and I knew I had to use it.
This face is appropriate for what I think of today's work day. And, it is somewhat humorous
reminding me that every day has it's pleasures.
I found this tree face quite by accident.  My friends and I were visiting another
near the Asheville, NC area and this masterpiece was near her home.
I'm glad I found it again today as it has certainly perked me up a bit.
Now, before I retire to bed, I think of the little treasures I've found in my travels, and all
my friends with whom I've had such amazing experiences and I look at this tree face
and I smile.
I hope I've also put a little smile on your face tonight.
Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Triple Falls Monday

Copyright 2013 AJ Horton

 This is Triple Falls in DuPont State Forest in Transylvania County, North Carolina.
Waterfall hunting is a favorite of mine and the western area of
North Carolina is great.  No matter what the weather, the water
is always a wonderful treat.  I just enjoy sitting, watching and hearing the roar
of the water and getting lost in the joy of all that.  Sometimes when I look at
Triple Falls, I wish I could just use it as a great big slide.  Wouldn't that be
awesome!  Well, yes, and maybe deadly, so I'll just fantasize and stay alive.  Maybe
one day you'll also want to visit this wonderful waterfall and share in
my sliding fantasy!
Hope you all had a great Monday, a great Martin Luther King, Jr. day.  Thanks for
looking.  See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday's Lizard Gift

Sunday's Lizard Gift
Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

So today, I was tearing down an old deck sitting in my yard and left to get
an additional tool.  When I came back and was removing nails, I noticed
this little guy.  He was hugging the old deck.   AWWWW!  He's a deck
hugger.  Maybe he thought I wouldn't tear the old deck down if I saw how much he
loved it.  He was wrong, of course, but, in the meantime, since he was posing for
me, I went for my camera.  I appreciated the little guy posing for me and giving
me an opportunity to share his image with you.  The deck is gone now, a lot of the
wood was and will be recycled, so I hope this guy still wants to stick around and
enjoy the rest of the yard.  Thanks for looking.  I hope you had a great Sunday!
See you tomorrow.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday's Bridging the Gap Play Time

Copyright 2013 AJ Horton
On a trip to the mountains seeing friends and waterfall hunting,
we happen upon this bridge to Triple Falls Trail in North
Carolina.  I like bridges.  Now, it has special significance
for me as I "bridge" the gap from inconsistency to consistency
as far as working with and sharing my photography and thoughts.
I put this photograph into a "pencil sketch" and then added a little
sharpening and saturation.  I hope you like it.
Thanks for looking and sharing your time.
See you tomorrow.


Friday, January 16, 2015


Copyright 2014 AJ Horton
Effie says, "Happy Friday!!!"  This is her best smile so far.   Our pets are
our family, too.  And this little cat, Effie, has such a personality and I miss
her when I am away.  Enjoy your Friday. Have some fun. And smile like Effie.
Yeah, do the Effie smile!  You can't help but feel good when you do the Effie
smile.  Show others your Effie smile and then get a group Effie smile going.  I
feel a party coming on.....     Thanks for looking - and smiling. 
See you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday - Vogue - Strike a pose!

Copyright 2013 AJ Horton

"Vogue - I struck a pose.  Can I be on the cover of your magazine?"  Haha. 
Maybe this guy can't be on the cover of Vogue, but he sure can be on
the cover of my blog today.  This camel in a Florida zoo made me
smile more than once that day.  Now, on Thursday, I want to
remember this guy, that day, and smile again. 
And so I do.  I hope you smile, too.
Thanks for looking.
Happy Thursday.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Be careful what and how you wish Wednesday

Copyright 2014 AJ Horton

So, I was wishing my ship would come in and LOOK!  It's here.  Except that it's just not
what I expected.  It's all tore up and it sits in a marsh.  A pretty marsh in coastal Georgia,
but still, it's not going anywhere again.  I guess when I was wishing for my ship to come,
I forgot to include that it needed to be luxurious, sea worthy, full of cash, etc., etc.   I guess
now I will just have to continue working and saving my pennies till my next, fully loaded
ship arrives.  So take a lesson from me and remember, when you're waiting for your ship
to sail, make sure it has everything you want and need.
Thanks for checking me out.  See you tomorrow.  


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Copyright 2014 AJ Horton
You know, with it so cold and dreary and somewhat colorless outside, it's helpful to
just sit and reflect.  Reflections also help us look toward our future.  I've noticed that
when I reflect on the day and on the days past, I just might notice what I've done right
and what I've done wrong and can applaud what was right and maybe correct what was
wrong.  I can also use those same reflections to determine my future direction.  Ah,
reflections are surely good for the soul.  Thanks for sharing your time with me.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Butterfly Monday

Copyright 2013 AJ Horton
Butterflies and Mondays.... Mondays come once every single week.  Butterflies.... Butterflies are free to fly away.... Or so it is said.  Did you know that yes, they do fly away, but, they can't fly if the temperature is 55 degrees Fahrenheit or lower?  Did you know that butterflies live only 2 to 4 weeks and only live to eat and mate?  While I enjoy watching butterflies and enjoy their beauty, and, of course, photographing them, I do want a little more out of life.  Well, a lot more actually.  So, while Monday is not my favorite day of the week, I will accept it for what it is, do my best, and hopefully, live to see another Monday.
I hope you had a great Monday and that you, too, will be around for another one.  Thanks for checking out Butterfly Monday.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday - Stop and reflect

Copyright 2014  AJ Horton
Who ever thought they would come across a stop sign on a tree while kayaking in the river?  Not me for sure, but there it is.  And it was a little something colorful along a lot of browns.  A great conversation piece and a photo opportunity!  We had to just stop what we were doing and relax, think about our trip, visit a little and, of course, take a few photos.  Now it has me thinking about Sundays. 
Sunday's a day for many things.  Many people go to church.  Many people stay at home.  Many people take time to go visit friends and family.  Others have to go to work.  It's a day many people, no matter your activity, stop, rest and reflect on what was accomplished during the week.  Taking time to relax is important to your health just as much as working, fitness and worship.  Without your health, you won't be able to do much of anything.   So take that time to relax and enjoy what you have.
Thank you for spending a little time looking at my photo and reading my thoughts. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Copyright 2014  AJ Horton

Saturday.  A fun day.  Today has some football playoffs.  Lots of fun!!  For some at least, it
seems as if they have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and they advance closer to the
Super Bowl.  For others, well, they go back into the darkness until the season begins again.
No matter your team, or if you even like football or sports in general, I hope you're having a
great weekend.  See you tomorrow.
This picture is from a cave in North Carolina.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Copyright 2014 AJ Horton
So, it's Friday.  You've waited all week for this.  What now?  What are you going to do this weekend?  Are you going to clean house?  Are you going to the movies?  Are you going to watch the football playoffs?  Are you going to adopt a cat?  Hmmm.... some of my sister's cats are up for adoption...... Cats are very independent.  And lovable.  And loving.  Give it some thought while you're doing your weekend stuff.  Message me - I can hook you up with a wonderful forever friend.  Whatever you do, have fun, be safe and remember to follow my blog.  Until tomorrow.......

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

Copyright AJ Horton

Copyright AJ Horton

Good Evening.  I thought I would do a little playing with a picture today.  The azalea is from my yard.  I love azaleas.  Good thing it was planted and established before I moved here because every other one I have planted has, unfortunately, bit the dust.  I think my play azalea may be a little too "pastel-ly".  Anyway, I hope you had a great day.  Take time to relax and enjoy any flowers you may find along the way.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Copyright AJ Horton

It is getting very, very cold outside.  Brrrr.  Please remember your pets inside and out.  They need
your help too.  This little friend of mine enjoys her lunch and sometimes brings her family and they
are kind enough to let us watch and take pictures of them.  Every now and then one will even strike a
pose!  Hope you had a great day.  Stay warm and safe.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Copyright AJ Horton
Flower and Bee
Tuesday, long day.  I feel as droopy as this cone flower. 
Hopefully I will "bee" able to rejuvenate tonight and live to fly another day.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dam Monday

Dam good
Copyright 2013 AJ Horton

Mondays.  Everyone has them.  Everyone has to get through them.  Sometimes Mondays are a good thing, other times, well, we just barely make it through the day.   Always, though, ALWAYS, we cheer when the day is over, like it’s a major accomplishment!  I guess it is, because the next day is just a little bit closer to that magical day that is Friday.  Enjoy your Monday evening.  Celebrate.  You deserve it.  (p.s.  the dam is the Fort Mill Access area for the Catawba River in SC)

Sunday, January 4, 2015


                                           Taken at the NC Zoo in Asheboro, NC

It's Sunday.  What are you going to do?  Are you going to get up, get a shower, get breakfast, get started working to improve you, the house, the yard?  Do you have a job you have to go to?  Is church in your future today?  Do you have a plan?  Maybe you plan to go kayaking?  Visit with friends?  Visit with family?   Watch football?  Go exploring?  There is so much that you could do!  Or... do you want to just do nothing?  Will you have a lazy day where you're in your pajamas all day, lounging around, staring at the TV?  Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy this day.  I hope you remember this day.  This is the only day you will have like this.  This is the only Sunday, January 4, 2015 you will ever get.  It is up to you, and only you, to decide how you want to use it.  Please be happy and stay safe.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

APED - Naps

copyright 2015  AJ Horton

There was a time when I didn't care for naps. I thought once I was up, I was up for the day. I had stuff to do. I didn't have time for naps. But now, as I grow a little older and maybe even a little wiser, I realize that naps have ....... power. Yep, that's right. I said it. POWER! Yes, naps are powerful. Frequently, a nap calls to me, "Hey you! You need me. Lie down. Take me. Come on, 30 minutes can only help. Hey!! I'm only here to help you." Many times I am at work when this happens. I have to fight the nap. "No, go away" I say, "You're going to get me into trouble". But other times I say, "Ah, I've been wondering if I was going to hear from you today". Naps have a way of rejuvenating me when I am tired, physically or emotionally. It's like hitting the reset button. Just talking about it and looking at my pretty kitty napping makes me want one now. Join the revolution! Lie down and nap.

Friday, January 2, 2015

APED - Work in Progress

Aren't we all just works in progress.  We try to grow and learn and love more each day.  To some, all that comes pretty easily.  To me, well, I have to work at it.  Today I have a photo of the city of Charlotte, NC, taken from the 5th floor of Presbyterian (Novant) Hospital on December 26th.  The second photo was taken last night, January 1, 2015 inside my house.  Yes, I know it's customary to have all Christmas items removed by January but I'm a big fan of Christmas and have a hard time letting it go.  Well, that and my lazy bone acts up once in a while.  (smiley face)  Have a good day!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

APED - A Picture Every Day

Copyright AJ Horton
Happy New Year!  As I begin 2015, I feel as though I need to begin consistency with my photography.  Blogging will be a good way to hold myself accountable over something I have had a passion about for years - photography.  I will post a picture every day, along with a short synopsis of where it was taken, maybe even how I was feeling when I saw it.  I'm sure I will grow during the year and maybe even take my photography to a new, improved, level.  I hope you will enjoy what I post and feel free to leave constructive remarks.  Your opinions matter (whether or not I like them)!  APED - A Picture Every Day