Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday's Duck 09-02-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  I live in the Great U.S. of America in the Southeast, so today the remnants of Hurricane Hermine - now called Tropical Storm Hermine - are moving through my area toward the Atlantic Ocean.  While I am glad that I am safe and dry inside as the rain falls and the wind blows, I am equally glad that the Muscovy Ducks are out and about and seem safe as well.  Two of them came by this morning to say Hi when the rain was slow and steady.  I'm sure they took shelter when the downpours came and the wind gusts arrived.  I know the Muscovy Ducks are ugly but I do enjoy their presence and I actually like looking at them.  It is as my mother would say, "They're so ugly they're cute."  I totally agree!

I hope you were able to stay nice and dry this Friday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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