Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday's Sunny with a Chance of Frog 09-06-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Tuesday.  Today, it looks like it's going to be sunny with a chance of frog!  Well, what do you know - my forecast came true!  Relax, I'm not psychic, I just ordered up a sunny day after the Tropical Storm Hermine came through (it happened) and the frog - well we were just lucky.  He was found at the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket filled will water from the storm.  I'm guessing he was just drying out after he was pulled from the water since he let me get so close to him without jumping.  

There was a time I didn't really care for frogs.  They're slimy, I always thought they caused warts, and some of them are even poisonous.  One day my mother told me that she loved frogs and everything changed.  I started looking at frogs differently, I began to appreciate frogs and now I love to see them. My mother died over a year ago and now, every time I see a frog I think of her, and smile. 

I hope you have something you can look at and smile today.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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