Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday's Surprise Wood Storks 07-16-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  After a long and happy day with some of my favorite people at a festival and a park in Candor, NC, we made our way to Mullins, SC.  As we drew closer to home, I noticed something unusual in the tree and we just had to stop.  Unfortunately, I had my short lens on the camera, and I thought these may have been Ibis.  I was wrong, of course, as these are actually wood storks.  I have kayaked in preservation areas where wood stork homes have been provided, but I never have seen one, until today.  What a great surprise!  Upon looking it up on the internet, I found that these guys are social and enjoy being high in the tree.  It's nice to keep gathering new information and is a great end to a wonderful day.

I hope you had a wonderful Saturday and maybe found a nice surprise.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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