Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday's Hornet Nest 07-06-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton

Hello and happy Wednesday.  We were kayaking this past weekend and found this - a hornets' nest.  A person must be careful around these things because, this is an active hornet community and if aggravated, they will come after you!  And hornets sting; and that is very painful!  The thing is, these nests are really amazing.  They look like they're made out of paper mache.  That's pretty much true.  Actually, the nest is formed with a mixture of their saliva and wood pulp to form a paper like substance which is, basically, paper mache.  So interesting.

If you want to learn more of hornets, their nest building techniques, and their mating and life styles just take a peak at:

I hope you had a wonderful, sting free Wednesday.  Remember, don't mess with a hornet nest.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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