Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday's Walking on Water 06-29-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Wednesday.  Have you ever seen one of those bugs that looks like it can walk on water?  Well, here it is.  I saw it running about on the water when we were kayaking the other day, and, since I had my camera, I thought I'd try to get its photo.  Yippee, I did - except that he was moving very fast, I was in a kayak and moving myself, and well,  he's a little blurry and the photo has been highly cropped to try and show you this little bug, fly,  or whatever this is that walks on water.  Maybe soon I can get a better photo and show you his features better.  It's pretty amazing what he can do.  I've been thinking, though, and wonder if he can walk on water for only minuscule periods of time.  He does go to and fro very quickly, and then flies away. 

Hmmm, something to ponder.  Meanwhile, I'll keep trying to get an awesome photograph of him and his kind every time I'm in the kayak.

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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