Saturday, June 18, 2016

Butterfly Friday 06-17-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Ok, so yesterday wasn't Friday - today is.  So, since I was a day ahead of myself, I had to go back and change yesterday's post to Thursday.  I really have to watch my wishful thinking sometimes.  Ha.

Hello and happy Friday.  It really is Friday today and I really fluttered along today just like this butterfly does.  It's been a very hectic week (well, last few weeks actually), and I will try not to get mixed up with days and dates in the future - although I make no promises.  :)  I will, however, correct my mistakes when I find them.  A little information for you - we sold our home today that we loved (it was time to move on), to a lovely couple who seem to be just like us, only younger, who we feel will love our house, our neighbors and our neighborhood just as much as we do and that is so very comforting.  In the process of moving and taking days off work and getting all the things done that go along with moving a household, I suppose I became disoriented with time and space.  But, today I know that it is Friday.  I'm glad that this little butterfly was around to distract me from the madness of packing and loading and stuff.  I needed, if only for a few minutes, to recognize the beauty of nature.

I hope you were able to get distracted by the beauty of nature today.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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