Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturday's Bird in the Yard 06-04-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  Today I had to wash dishes by hand.  In my house in North Carolina I am the only dishwasher, so, at least I have a window in front of the sink.  A few feet from my window I set up a bird feeder.  I have seen many different, albeit common, birds - cardinals, blue jays, robins, and finches.  Today I saw a new bird - I was at the sink a long time.   Since I haven't seen one of these birds in my front yard before, I had to do a Google search.  This bird is a Brown Thrasher.  According to the website:, the Brown Thrasher likes to live in thick brush and mostly forages on the ground for insects.  I admit that there are a lot of brambles and bushes out back, so maybe he was just coming to see what new food I had put in the feeder.  If you go to to the website, you can hear the songs that the Brown Thrashers sing and, I have to tell you, they are quite melodious.  Check it out!

I hope you had a wonderful Saturday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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