Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday's Happy Fathers' Day 06-12-16 (Although NOT Fathers' Day)

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Sunday.  Since I gave you a church yesterday, today I get to give a shout out to all the fathers out there on Fathers' Day.  On a recent trip to the Asheboro NC Zoo, I was at the Chimpanzee area and look at what I saw!  I am going to say that this is the father of that little one because, well, it's my blog and that's what I want to believe today.  Ha.  I mean, look at their interaction - he must be the parent of that little one.  I have actually been saving this picture for a couple weeks just for this day.  It makes me feel good to see the emotions of these two who are obviously close, just like fathers and their children should be.  So to all you fathers out there who are involved with and love your children, "Happy Fathers' Day".  There are also women that must play both mother and father roles who also deserve acknowledgement.

I hope you all had a sensational Sunday, whether or not you are a father because we all matter.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

P.S.  I really wanted today to be Fathers' Day, but it is not!  Haha.  Joke is on me for not looking that up first.  Guys, you got this a week early - live large and enjoy.  Smile!!

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