Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday's Spring Azalea 03-22-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Tuesday.  This is one of my azalea blooms, which is just in time for spring.   I love azaleas.  When I was growing up, my Mom had planted some wonderful azalea plants around the front porch and they grew bigger and better every year.  To my recollection those azaleas were never trimmed, and we didn't care - they were fabulous!  As an adult I have planted several azaleas at places I've lived and not one has ever flourished.  The one you see today was planted by the previous owner of my current house and I am grateful.  And, I have always been grateful to my mother for all of the beauty she brought into my life.

I hope you enjoyed this beautiful spring day and that you had occasion to be grateful.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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