Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday's Wolf 03-12-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Saturday.  Today I have for you a Red Wolf at the Asheboro Zoo.  He looks like a harmless dog, but don't be fooled - he is a formidable predator.  The only wild Red Wolves in the world are found in five counties along the Alligator River Wildlife Refuge in Eastern North Carolina. Apparently, the Red Wolves were very endangered in the late 1970s and there were less than 30 wild wolves in the world.  Less than 30?  I'd say that's pretty endangered!  The Recovery Program along the Alligator River began in 1987 and now there are about 120 wolves in the wild.  Zoos, like the Asheboro Zoo, have been instrumental in the recovery through captive breeding, which leads to more pups being introduced into the wild.  Every species, every life on this earth,  is important and the loss of even one, like the red wolf, would make an unfavorable impact on our ecosystem.  

I hope you had a favorable Saturday.   Thank you for looking.  See you for looking.

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