Thursday, March 3, 2016

Zoo Fun on Thursday 03-03-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton  Do not use without written permission

Hello and happy Thursday.  Meet Nikita (front), and Anana at the Polar Bear Exhibit at the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina.  Nikita arrived at the Zoo from the Kansas City (Mo.) Zoo in January and he and Anana were getting acquainted separately for a while and now together full time.  Anana is 16 years old and came from Chicago a couple years ago.  Anana means "beautiful" in Inuit.  Nikita is 9 years old, somewhat bigger than Anana and, I'm told, he's still growing.  Today was a meet and greet for these two new lovebirds.  The lady at the entrance told me that the Governor of North Carolina came to see them.  I believe her.  There were many "official looking" people and professional photographers in attendance.  I didn't get the memo about the event so I was wearing my big, floppy hat, sweatshirt and my big pants that have lots of pockets for my camera stuff.  I didn't care - I just walked on by them wiith my camera, aimed at the duo and started pressing my shutter button.  I had such fun!  And, these two get along together so well and had so much fun playing in the water that you will get to see more pictures as time goes on.  

I have seen a few zoos in my day and, I think that this Zoo is on the top of my list,  I hope you have a good zoo in your area to visit.  They supply much information and loads of fun for the entire family.

I hope you had some fun today.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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