Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ugly Thursday or Beauty? 02-11-16

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  Today is a Black Vulture portrait.  Do you think he's a beauty, or ugly?  He is a bird of prey, although mostly his prey is dead, he will fight a turkey vulture and will sometimes kill a live, smaller animal if needed.  Vultures like to be in groups, so I guess you could say that they are also social creatures.  I've read that they will hiss when threatened. I didn't have to worry about that as I was far away when I took this photo.  Black vultures are interesting to look at as far as I'm concerned and, they serve a very useful purpose.  Everything has its place on this earth.  We are all important!

I hope you had a beautiful Thursday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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