Monday, February 22, 2016

Moon over Monday 02-22-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Monday.  Today I have the last moon over our cruise from very early this a.m.  Yes, I was up late - or early depending on the way you look at things.  I'm told that the little star on the left near the water is Venus, which is appropriate since cruises have long promoted love.  I mean, after all, you have to really love someone to stay in a cramped room on a cruise ship!  Ha.  Fortunately, for us, I felt like our room was big enough - and we had a small balcony that we fully enjoyed.  The ship is huge!  I did get lost a few times, and, I'm sure I didn't see everything.  But, I saw this moon, Venus and the reflection on the water.  Heaven and love - at least to me.

I hope you woke up to a little Heaven and love today and had a great Monday.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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