Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cozumel Saturday 02-20-16

Cozumel, Mexico,  Copyright 2016 AJ Horton

Hello and happy Saturday.  I have for you a panoramic that I took while aboard ship this afternoon while in port at Cozumel, Mexico.  After years of being nagged and procrastinating I finally got my passport and we are now cruising!  It is a great adventure and I hope that you all do it, if you haven't already.  I feel as though I could go on many more cruises and maybe even for a longer period of time than just 5 days.  Today we visited a Cacao Company in Cozumel and learned about chocolate making; then a Catholic church and history of the Mayans and then; a Tequila tasting.  (I'm sure by now you know that more photos are forthcoming on today's adventure in Cozumel.)  After the Tequila tasting we went back to the ship and took a nap after that (no surprise) and then back out to the port for a little shopping.  The storm clouds appeared and it did rain a little, but it did not dampen our mood.

I hope nothing dampened your mood today and you had a bright and sunny day!  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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