Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday's Coot 02-27-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton

Hello and happy Saturday.  Today, I have for you an American Coot, found in the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge.  The white bill and white back of the tail was a "stand - out" for me.  I had never seen a duck like this before.  Actually, while reading up on the Coot, I found out that this is not a duck at all.  It is a Rallidae, or rail bird, and more closely associated with a Sandhill Crane.  You may have heard the expression, "you old Coot", or "he's an old Coot".  It always tends to sound like an insult, but I don't take it as such.  You see, Coots are tough and adaptable waterbirds.  Being called "an old Coot" (meaning tough and adaptable), sounds pretty good to me.  Except maybe leave off the "old" part.

Do you know any tough and adaptable people you might call "Coots"?

I hope you had a wonderful Saturday.  I hope you appreciate all the Coots in your life - especially if one of them is you.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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