Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday's Ship 10-15-15

Copyright AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  Well, here we are next to the last day of the work week.  And now, if you look at where everything in this photo is pointing to you will see it - - looks like my ship came in while I was taking pictures of the marsh and it's leaving already.  Dang it!!  Looks like I'm stuck here in this beautiful country with nothing but my wits and my camera.  OK.  I'll take it!  Maybe I have a different kind of ship.  Maybe my ship is a kayak - and a camera!  I'm hoping I'll have some good lenses and lots of memory cards to go with the camera.

What does it mean to you when you think of your "ship coming in"?  Will you be rich in money, rich in friends/family, rich with your favorite activities or all of the above?  What will happen if you see your ship but just can't get to it, like mine here?  Will there be another, better ship?  I guess time will tell.

I hope you had a great Thursday.  Thanks for looking - and thinking.  See you tomorrow.

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