Thursday, September 10, 2015

Th Th Th Thursday Lions

Copyright AJ Horton

Happy Th th th Thursday.  Today is all about the three. Yep.  Guess what?  I went back to the Asheboro Zoo today.  I couldn't stay away.  I have to work the next eight days with only today off, so I had to do something fun.  And, well, watching three lions laze around in the afternoon seemed pretty fun to me.  They weren't the only "fun" ones I saw today, but you'll have to wait another day to see the others.  If you haven't been to the Asheboro, NC Zoo yet, please take some time to do so.  You may need at least two days to see it all - especially if you enjoy photo making.  

I hope you had as great a Thursday as I.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.  

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