Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday Wasp Nest

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Hello on Sunday.  So, I was sweeping my front porch today and guess what I found - you guessed it - a large wasp nest.  Of course I went inside, got my camera and, well, you know the rest.  These are social wasps.  They build colonies each year begun by the queen that survived the winter by hibernating in a warm place.  All others die in the winter.  I guess I'll have to wait until winter to remove this nest.  If someone disturbs the nest (thank God I didn't do that today), one would be swarmed and stung by these wasps - and they were plentiful - and, these wasps can sting more than once, unlike bees.  I found this out only as I was researching for tonight's blog; otherwise, I may not have approached this nest so closely.  I know you're seeing only a small part of the nest and a few of the wasps, but, that nest is big!  Having a good picture and a little information for you tonight, though, was worth it.

I hope you had a sensational Sunday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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