Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, Monday.....

Copyright 2015 AJ Horton

Happy Monday September 14, 2015!  I hope you enjoy my Monday dog.  He's our "neighborhood" dog.  I call him "Skipper."  A neighbor calls him "Red".  He's not my dog but I give him treats and petting. He acts like he enjoys seeing me when I come home from work and that makes me smile.  The neighbor that calls him "Red" also feeds him twice a day.  And, Skipper goes on walks in the mornings with my neighbor.  Skipper/Red does have an actual owner with whom he spends time with when he's not out visiting and keeping the neighborhood safe.

I hope you had a great Monday.  I hope you have someone or something to come home to that makes you smile.  Thanks for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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