Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday's Bluebird Bringing Happiness 08-16-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Tuesday.  Today's little bluebird is looking at me somewhat suspiciously.  Maybe he wants to know what I'm after.  Well, I, of course, am after a photograph, and, it looks like this coy appearing bluebird just gave me what I wanted.  Some people think that bluebirds bring happiness.  They are nice to look at and can bring a smile to my face.  That kind of happiness, though, is gone when this beauty flies away.  We need to find a way to be happy when the bluebird is gone.  Our happiness lies within each of us, we just need to find a way to access and keep that happiness hour after hour and day by day.  Boy is that hard!  So, we take little moments like enjoying photography or being out in nature, looking at birds or even listening to music or watching a favorite show on TV to get our fix of happiness.  We must enjoy it while we can.

I hope you had some happiness today.  Thank you for looking,  See you tomorrow.

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