Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday Showers of Meteors 08-12-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Very early this morning began the Perseid Meteor Showers.  Today was the peak day for the meteor showers that come around every year at this time due to the Earth passing through dust and debris left behind by the Comet Swift-Tuttle.  I tried to catch some at 1 a.m. this morning, but had no luck.  I got back up at 3:30 a.m. and this was taken at 4:16 a.m. this morning with a 15 second exposure.  If you look closely, it seems I captured two of the meteors.  I guess it was worth losing a little sleep - at least to me.

I hope you had a good night's sleep last night.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow,

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