Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday's Housing 04-04-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Monday.  The Purple Martins are back for this Monday.  Last week I told you of how we broke a couple of the old gourds by trying to straighten their pole.  I ordered a new pole and new set of gourds (they're plastic, two piece gourds, though) and put all of it together for my new friends.   Sometimes, it seems, that older is preferred.  I guess that's the case here.  Last week there were 3 couples and now there are 6 couples, so our friends have expanded, but still no takers on the new housing.  Oh well.  Maybe next year they'll bring more friends who will enjoy the newer housing.

I hope you had a marvelous Monday and that you like your housing, whether old or new.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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