Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday Fun at the Beach 04-29-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Yay, it's Friday!  We made it to the weekend.  Now what?  Well, I think another trip to the beach would be fun.  I think any time is a good time to go to the beach, so I'm taking you with me.  This is Sunset Beach, in Brunswick County, North Carolina.  The town of Sunset Beach began in 1955.  Mannon C. Gore purchased the land from a family whose ownership of it dated back to the 1700s.  A person could buy oceanfront lots here by 1958, and, in 1963, an oceanfront lot with a small house cost $1,000.  Appreciation for the beach over the years has skyrocketed prices and an oceanfront lot with house will cost you more than $500,000.

The pier on the right of the picture is called Vesta Pier.  The Vesta was a civil war blockade runner that was set on fire in 1864 and it sank near the beach in about 10 feet of water.   Now, due to the accumulation of sand over the years, the remains of the Vesta is completely buried.  This pier was built over the sunken blockade runner, hence the name, Vesta Pier.  I guess they want to make sure that old ship stays buried.  :)

You can read more of the history of Sunset Beach if you'd like by going to:

I hope you had a fun and fabulous Friday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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