Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday's Window Dressing 04-15-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  Well, today, after the internet guy came and went, I headed out toward the zoo.  I had charged all my batteries, cleaned all my lenses, packed up my gear and made sure I had my floppy hat in the car.  One thing I didn't count on - my allergies.  Although I had taken my allergy medication, including nose spray and eye drops, just 5 miles down the road, windows up, my eyes began watering and my sinuses felt swollen and painful, and nasal breathing became a memory.   So, I turned the car around and came back home, wondering what I would do for tonight's blog.

Lucky for me I have beautiful azaleas blooming outside my living room window.  While I would much rather be outside, sinus pain is keeping me indoors.  At least I have a good view.  I am grateful.

I hope you had a no pain Friday and a reason to be grateful.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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