Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday's Calm Before The Storm 10-06-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Thursday.  I'm calling this photo, The Calm Before the Storm.  Although it was taken last week when I was in Plymouth, Massachusetts,  I think it fits today before Hurricane Matthew comes ashore in Florida.  For the most part, today was somewhat sunny.  I put another photo below in pencil and black and white which may show what tomorrow may look like.  Here in South Carolina, the storm may come tomorrow and may resemble below.  And, you never know, we may have a boat land on the rooftop as in the pictures.  

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
So, if you're in Matthews' path, please take great care to be safe so you don't land on the rooftop, or in a tree, or worse.

I hope you had a wonderful Thursday.  Thank you for looking.  Stay safe.  See you tomorrow.

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