Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday's Feathery Friend 11-11-16

Copyright 2016 AJ Horton
Hello and happy Friday.  This little bird is staring at me, make him stop!  Did you ever do that as a child - complain to your parent that your brother or sister was staring at you - making you uncomfortable.  "Stop looking at your sister (brother)" your mom or dad would say.  Did you stop, or did you keep staring?  Or, did you look away for a few seconds, and then begin staring again, only to have your parent repeat the "stop" order?  Fun times, huh?  We laugh about those times as adults now, but back then it was some serious stuff.  My bird friend is a beautiful reminder of "the stare"!

What happened to remind you of something from your childhood today?  I hope it made you smile.  I also hope you had a fabulous Friday.  Thank you for looking.  See you tomorrow.

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